题目: Molecular Imaging, Image-Guided Drug Delivery, and Theranostics
报告人:蔡伟波 副教授(美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校)
蔡伟波, 1975 年出生,南京大学化学专业学士,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校化学专业硕士和博士。于2005年至2008年期间,在美国斯坦福大学分子影像中心陈小元组从事博士后研究。现任美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UW-Madison)放射学系,医学物理学系,生物医学工程系,材料科学与工程系副教授(有终身教职)。他在UW-Madison主要从事分子影像及纳米科技的研究(网站:http://mi.wisc.edu/index.htm)。蔡伟波博士已发表学术论文220余篇 (包括第一/通讯作者的Nature Nanotechnology, PNAS, Accounts of Chemical Research, Advanced Materials, JACS, Angewandte Chemie,Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews,Nano Letters, Nano Today, ACS Nano, Cancer Research, Clinical Cancer Research, Nature Protocols, Small, Biomaterials, Theranostics, Journal of Nuclear Medicine,等等)。他的论文被引用超过10000次,H因子超过55(Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=-5N2yIAAAAAJ)。他还编辑了3本学术专著。
Weibo Cai is an Associate Professor of Radiology, Medical Physics, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. He received a BS degree in Chemistry from Nanjing University, China (1995) and a PhD degree in Chemistry from the University of California, San Diego (2004). Between 2005 and 2008, Dr. Cai did his post-doctoral research in the laboratory of Prof. Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen at the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS). In February 2008, Dr. Cai joined the University of Wisconsin - Madison as a Biomedical Engineering Cluster Hire, and was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in 2014. Dr. Cai’s research at UW-Madison (http://mi.wisc.edu/) is primarily focused on molecular imaging and nanotechnology. Dr. Cai has authored >220 peer-reviewed articles, >20 book chapters, and >200 conference abstracts. His publications have been cited > 10,000 times with an H-index of >55. He has edited 3 books, guest-edited ~10 special topic issues for various scientific journals, and given >170 talks. Dr. Cai has received many awards, including the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) Young Professionals Committee Best Basic Science Award (2007), the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Springer Prize (2011 & 2013), American Cancer Society Research Scholar (2013-2017), NIH R01, among many others. Dr. Cai has served on the Editorial Board of >20 scientific journals, performed peer review for >130 journals, and participated in many grant review panels (NIH, DOD, NSF, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas [CPRIT], Susan G. Komen, Prostate Cancer Canada, many European grants, etc.).
转【学术报告】蔡伟波:Molecular Imaging, Image-Guided Drug Delivery, and Theranostics (5月18日上午10点卫津路校区15-110)
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