
【转】建工学院-Analysis on Ground Movement due to Shield Tunnelling, based on Displacement Boundary (6月4日/9:30/新校行政楼报告厅)

【转】建工学院-Analysis on Ground Movement due to Shield Tunnelling, based on Displacement Boundary (6月4日/9:30/新校行政楼报告厅)

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日本土木工程学会隧道工程技术委员会主席、日本长岗技术科学大学(Nagaoka University of Technology)土木与环境系系主任,杉本光隆教授(Prof. Mitsutaka Sugimoto)受长江学者、建工学院院长郑刚教授和张稳军副教授的邀请于2016年6月4日来天津大学进行学术交流。 
报告题目:Analysis on Ground Movement due to Shield Tunnelling, based on Displacement Boundary 

Dr. Mitsutaka Sugimoto graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo University. He worked for Hazama Construction Company as a site, estimation, and design engineer up to 1987. In 1988, he became an Assist. Prof. at Tokyo Univ.. He was an Assoc. Prof. at Nagaoka University of Technology from 1989 and at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, in 1993 - 1996. Now he is a Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology and also the Head of its department. He has carried out extensive research on underground space technology in soft ground including shield tunneling method and pipe jacking method by numerical analysis, model test, and site investigation. He received the paper award of JSCE (Japan Society of Civil Engineering) in geotechnical engineering field and the award of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for meritorious person on industry-academia-official collaboration. He has been very active in soft ground tunneling. Now he is the chairman of the Planning and Managing Committee on technical committees under the Tunnel Engineering Committee (JSCE), and also a member of several technical committees on tunneling, including the Technical Committee on Underground Construction in Soft Ground (TC204, ISSMGE), the Asian Regional Technical Committee on Urban Geo-Engineering (ATC6, ISSSMGE), the Execution Technical Committee of the Central Alps Tunnels for the Superconducting Maglev and the Mechanized Execution Technical Committee for the Hokkaido Shinkansen. Also he was the chairman of the editorial committee on Journal of Tunnel Engineering (Series F1 of Journal of JSCE), and also a member of the editorial committee of several journals including Soils & Foundations (JGS), and Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (SEAGS & AGSSEA). 
Ground deformation due to shield tunnelling may cause ground surface settlement and induce damage in adjacent existing structures. Therefore it is important to evaluate the effect of shield tunnelling on ground movement. In order to simulate the ground movement due to shield tunnelling, the new method was developed: 1) the shield behaviour is simulated by applying the kinematic shield model to in-situ data; 2) the immediate ground movement around the shield is analyzed by a 3D-FEM continuum model employing the enforced displacement along the tunnel excavation surface around the shield, which is obtained from the simulation results of shield behaviour.