
【转】微纳制造系列论坛97期-Nanoindentation of Ultraprecision Surfaces(6月1日/15:00/卫津路工会活动中心)

【转】微纳制造系列论坛97期-Nanoindentation of Ultraprecision Surfaces(6月1日/15:00/卫津路工会活动中心)

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报告题目:Nanoindentation of Ultraprecision Surfaces 
报告人:Don A. Lucca,Regents Professor,Oklahoma State University 

Don A. Lucca is currently Regents Professor and Carl and Gladys Herrington Chair in Advanced Materials in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University.  He also holds the position of Guest Scientist in the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Group in the Materials Physics and Applications Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  He received a BS degree from Cornell, MSE from Princeton, and PhD from RPI all in Mechanical Engineering.  Professor Lucca is a Fellow of CIRP, SME and ASME.  He has served on the Board of Directors of the American Society for Precision Engineering and the North American Manufacturing Research Institution.  He is a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for Senior Scientists, and has held positions of Visiting Professor at the StiftungInstitutfürWerkstofftechnik at Universität Bremen and at the Politecnico di Torino.  He was awarded a Mercator Professorship by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in Germany, the Russell Severance Springer Professorship in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and the SME Frederick W. Taylor Research Medal, and holds an honorary doctorate from Universität Bremen.   
