

报告人: 王勇
学号: 2010207409
学院: 化工学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 2011年10月19日
时间: 06:30
地点: 化工学院七楼会议室
导师: 陈旭
题目: Study on the Uniaxial Cyclic Behaviors of Primary Auxiliary Piping Materials in Nuclear Power Plant at room and Elevated Temperatures

Engineering components are often subjected to cyclic load and the cyclic plastic deformation of engineering materials thus becomes inevitable.

Under asymmetrical cyclic stressing, cyclic accumulation of plastic deformation, denoted as ratcheting, takes place.

ratcheting is very important and should be addressed in the safety assessment and fatigue life estimation of the materials and structure components. Design criteria for nuclear power plants, such as ASME Code Section III, KTA and RCC-MR, all require ratcheting analysis.

登记人: 王勇
登记时间: 2012年05月19日 星期六 12:25