

报告人: 戴歆
学号: 2011214064
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 26 August 2013
地点: 环境学院小会议室
导师: 毛国柱
题目: Reducing carbon emissions in China: industrial structural

China  is  now  in  urgent  need to  accelerate the  transformation  of  the economic  development  model, promoting  industrial  structure upgrades in  order  to reduce carbon  emissions. The goals are to  relieve energy  constraints,  guarantee  economic  security,  and  reduce  environmental  pressures.  This  study calculated the industrial  influence  coefficients (IIC) and the industrial  carbon  emission  coefficients (ICEC) of  all  industries in China  in  2007. A  system  dynamics model was built to  simulate the GDP growth and total carbon emissions in three scenarios. Scenario analyses have shown that the industrial structure adjustment based  on the  calculations of IIC and ICEC is better  than the  one  based  on the
Chinese Industrial Restructuring Catalogue. This  study  provides  a solid research foundation for the government to adjust the industrial structure and reduce carbon emissions.

登记人: 戴歆
登记时间: Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 7:14 PM