

报告人: 杨光
学号: 1017214032
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2018年04月17日
时间: 14:35
地点: 天津城建大学现代教育中心
导师: 张宏伟
题目: Applying a micro-electric field of microbial fuel cell in blast furnace dusting ash-upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor for enhancement of anaerobic digestion

In this study, a novel manner of micro-electric field which generated by UASB-MFC enhanced Fe-C micro-electrolysis in BFDA was proposed for the compound reinforcement of anaerobic process in UASB and revealed the mechanism of electrical catalysis Fe-C micro-electrolysis on anaerobic digestion. On the other hand, the synergy between micro-electrolysis and electron transfer of MFC was explored, further established a compound strengthening anaerobic process system which based on the theory of electrochemistry.

登记人: 杨光
登记时间: 2020年11月1日 星期日 20:27
