

报告人: 于政敏
学号: 1009207102
学院: 化工学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 15 December 2009
地点: 11楼208
题目: Photocatalysis in hydrogen production from water
Hydrogen is considered as an ideal fuel for the future. Solar is one of the major sources of renewable energy and it is also a promising sources for renewable hydrogen production.
Presently, renewable energy contributes only about 5% of the commercial hydrogen production primarily via water electrolysis, while other 95% hydrogen is mainly derived from fossil fuels.
Renewable hydrogen production is not popular yet mainly because the quantum efficiency is still low and the cost is still high.
登记人: 于政敏
登记时间: Friday, 10 May 2013, 3:06 PM