

报告人: 颜世伦
学号: 1011213009
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 2013年04月26日
地点: 天津大学24楼A区107
导师: 常俊标 苏艳芳
题目: Using NMR to identify and characterize natural products(b)

Over the past 28 years there have been several thousand publications describing the use of 2D NMR
to identify and characterize natural products. During this time period, the amount of sample needed
for this purpose has decreased from the 20–50 mg range to under 1 mg. This has been due to
both improvements in NMR hardware and methodology. This review will focus on mainly
methodology improvements, particularly in pulse sequences, acquisition and processing methods
which are particularly relevant to natural product research, with lesser discussion of hardware

登记人: 颜世伦
登记时间: 2013年04月22日 星期一 15:46