

报告人: 陈明明
学号: 1016203035
学院: 电气与自动化工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2019年11月15日
时间: 10:30
地点: 26教D区第三会议室
导师: 唐晨
题目: Binarization of ESPI fringe patterns based on local entropy

The fringe skeleton method is the most straightforward analysis method for phase extraction and widely used in dynamic measurement. Binarization is often required in this method. In the traditional binarization methods, filtering is often a necessary step prior to binarization due to the influence of intrinsic speckle noises in ESPI fringe patterns. In this paper, we propose a binarization method based on local entropy and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm. In this method, the pixels in the given ESPI fringe pattern are clustered into white fringes and black fringes according to their local entropy instead of the original intensity information. There is no need to perform the filtering preprocessing, because the intrinsic speckle noises are utilized as essentials. We evaluate the performance of our method by applying it to the computer-simulated and real fringe patterns. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve the desired binarization results, and the binarization results can give desired skeleton results. 

登记人: 陈明明
登记时间: 2019年11月18日 星期一 12:16