

报告人: 李晓琼
学号: 1016214004
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2019年09月15日
时间: 19:30
地点: 天津大学卫津路暖通之家
导师: 张于峰
题目: Energy, exergy, economic, and environmental analysis of an integrated system of high-temperature heat pump and gas separation unit

A novel integrated system consisting of a high-temperature heat pump providing 120–130 °C heat and a gas separation unit was developed to recover the industrial waste heat and replace the low-pressure steam used in traditional refinery process. An energy, exergy, economic, and environmental analysis was carried out to evaluate the performance of such integrated system according to the running data of the project. Energy and exergy analyses provide an insight into the quantity and quality of the energy conversion of the integrated system. And the results indicate that the integrated system operates with a high performance and provides significant economic and environmental benefits.

登记人: 李晓琼
登记时间: 2019年09月15日 星期日 16:07