

报告人: 王霞
学号: 2016204116
学院: 电子信息工程学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 8 August 2018
时间: 2:30 PM
地点: 第26教学楼D区352
导师: 李岳楠
题目: The Detection Algorithm of Abnormal Behaviors for Video Surveillances

The anomaly in the crowd is a great potential threat, and the automatic detection of abnormal behavior for surveillance has become a hot topic in recent years. This report will give a brief introduction of several abnormal behavior detection methods, including intrusion detection, wandering detection and fence climbing detection. Experimental results show that by applying some efficient human detection algorithms, the anomaly can be detected in in time in surveillance videos, which shows certain research value.

登记人: 王霞
登记时间: Wednesday, 8 August 2018, 8:33 PM