

报告人: 陈艳丽
学号: 2016211023
学院: 文学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2017年05月11日
时间: 08:00
地点: 33教186
导师: 刘著妍
题目: Katharina Reiss and Translation Typology
  1. Reiss is a German linguist and translation scholar whose works has made great contribution to the developtment of  translation theory;
  2. Reiss came up with the idea of  text typology which is known as translation typology in the feild of transltion theory.
  3. By text typology, the general translation method can be determined by the text type of source text.
登记人: 陈艳丽
登记时间: 2017年05月10日 星期三 21:08