

报告人: 宋宇欣
学号: 2017234331
学院: 电气与自动化工程学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2018年05月21日
时间: 18:30
地点: 26教学楼D区534
导师: 雷建军
题目: Deep Spatial-Semantic Attention for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval

Human sketches are unique in being able to capture both the spatial topology of a visual object, as well as its subtle appearance details. Fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval (FG-SBIR) importantly leverages on such fine-grained characteristics of sketches to conduct instancelevel retrieval of photos. Nevertheless, human sketches are often highly abstract and iconic, resulting in severe misalignments with candidate photos which in turn make subtle visual detail matching difficult. Existing FG-SBIR approaches focus only on coarse holistic matching via deep cross-domain representation learning, yet ignore explicitly accounting for fine-grained details and their spatial context. In this paper, a novel deep FG-SBIR model is proposed which differs significantly from the existing models in that: (1) It is spatially aware, achieved by introducing an attention module that is sensitive to the spatial position of visual details; (2) It combines coarse and fine semantic information via a shortcut connection fusion block; and (3) It models feature correlation and is robust to misalignments between the extracted features across the two domains by introducing a novel higher-order learnable energy function (HOLEF) based loss. Extensive experiments show that the proposed deep spatial-semantic attention model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art.

登记人: 宋宇欣
登记时间: 2019年06月21日 星期五 20:41
