

报告人: 宋菲菲
学号: 2016227012
学院: 海洋学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2017年03月27日
时间: 14:00
地点: 天津大学第八号教学楼319
导师: 翟京生
题目: A Generic Method for Azimuthal Map Projection

Map projections are mathematical methods for projecting spherical coordinates in the form of (φ, λ) to the map coordinates in the form of (X,Y) in Cartesian reference frame. Numerous methods for map projection have been derived and are being used for preparation of cartographic products. These map projections take into account specific position of the viewer on the datum surface for derivation of the map projections. In this report a generic method for azimuthal map projection where the position of the viewer can be taken at an arbitrary point on the datum surface is derived. Using this generic method all the specific azimuthal map projections can be derived.

登记人: 宋菲菲
登记时间: 2018年01月27日 星期六 12:39
