

报告人: 黄小欧
学号: 1015212005
学院: 教育学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2018年04月17日
时间: 20:00
地点: 海南大学国际旅游学院101教室
导师: 庞学光
题目: Analysis of the dilemma of enterprises participating in vocational and technical education from the perspective of value chain

        The trans-boundary attribute of vocational education determines that enterprises should play an important role in vocational education. However, in reality, there are obvious problems in the participation of enterprises in Vocational Education in China. On the one hand, the degree of enterprise participation in vocational education is limited and the enthusiasm is not high. On the other hand, in many enterprises participating in the cooperation between school and enterprise, students are widely used as cheap labor, and lack of real meaning. Why does this happen? The theory of value chain provides us with a good reference.

        The study shows that, from the perspective of value, the multiple attributes of cooperative education confuse the relationship between corporate responsibility and interest; the form of value return is single, the value return is insufficient, the return of value is uneven, and the three aspects of the enterprise's benefit are not effectively guaranteed.

登记人: 黄小欧
登记时间: 2018年04月25日 星期三 09:24
