

报告人: 朱姗
学号: 1014212011
学院: 教育学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 2016年03月18日
时间: 14:00
地点: 天津大学44教201
导师: 庞学光
题目: Sailing Against the Wind: Voices of Kenyan Adult Women in U.S. Postsecondary Education and Sociocultural Contexts

The purpose of this study was to explore the educational and sociocultural experiences of Kenyan women pursing higher education in the United States and how they negotiated their multiple identities. Using a sociocultural theoretical framework and narrative inquiry methodology, seven Kenyan immigrant women pursuing or who recently pursued advanced education at one land-grant public university in the United States were studied. Five significant and interrelated themes emerged including (a) negotiating two cultural contexts, (b) significance of strong support system; (c) impact of family educational backgrounds, (d) reentry to education in adulthood, and (e) dealing with linguistic issues. Implications for higher education, adult education, and diverse adult learners are provided.

登记人: 朱姗
登记时间: 2018年04月26日 星期四 15:17
