

报告人: 惠转转
学号: 1017212004
学院: 教育学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2019年04月20日
时间: 10:00
地点: 英国利物浦大学
导师: 杨进
题目: The impact of governance on the graduate employability within post-1992 universities in the UK

This study seeks to explore the impact of the involvement of stakeholders in university governance on graduate employability within post-1992 universities in the UK and try to find out to what extant the stakeholders should or should not be involved in the university governance in relation to creating a suitable environment for high employability. It is hoped that the results would be of interest to policy makers and governance practitioners who are concerned about the graduate employability of post-1992 universities.

登记人: 惠转转
登记时间: 2020年09月24日 星期四 10:10
