

报告人: 张泽
学号: 1017214036
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 27 February 2022
时间: 10:00 AM
地点: 成都
导师: 张书廷
题目: A new coking coal charging method for 6m top-charged coke oven: system design and experimental

Coking with low moisture coal is an important link of energy conservation and coke quality improvement in coking industry. Aiming at the problems of dust emission and bad accumulation in coking chamber during coal charging, a new system of coking coal charged into 6m top-charge coke oven was studied and designed, in which cylinder with telescopic and high temperature resistant was used to fill the coking chamber with dense phase continuous flow. The coal transport characteristics, dust emission and accumulation characteristics were studied through the actual operation of the equipment. The results found that the matching of spiral feeding speed and cylinder lifting speed has important influence on the transport characteristics, when moisture is 5%, control dense phase transport conditions: cylinder lifting speed is 0.02m/s, spiral feeding speed control range is [0.31m/s, 0.50m/s]. The new device was found to reduce dust emission by 90% per square meter compared with tranditional. The influence of controllable factors on the accumulation characteristics of coal was studied, and the essential conditions for optimal repose angle and bulk density were obtained through orthogonal test, the prediction model of accumulation characteristics was established.

登记人: 张泽
登记时间: Saturday, 19 February 2022, 12:12 PM