

报告人: 李奕帆
学号: 1011207032
学院: 化工学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2011年11月7日
时间: 09:05
地点: 中国石化国家会议中心会议楼402会议室
导师: 姜忠义
题目: Mussel-inspired membranes: preparations and applications
内容提要:     Biomimetic and bioinspired materials have shown great promise in membrane science and technology. Particularly, with the deeper insight into marine mussel adhesive process, mussel-inspired membranes have been intensively developed in the past few years. Generally speaking, the basic principle of mussel adhesion was mostly utilized to tune the interfacial structure of multi-layered membranes, and mussel-inspired membranes have exhibited many unique characteristics, e.g. ultra-thin, defect-free, structurally stable, functionally extensible, etc. The present review will first briefly introduce the surface chemistry of mussel adhesion, and then focus on the preparations and applications of mussel-inspired membranes. Finally, the prospects of manipulating bioadhesion phenomena to the rational design of membrane structure and function will be tentatively proposed.
登记人: 李奕帆
登记时间: 2011年11月16日 星期三 19:07
