

报告人: 贾亚龙
学号: 2017234295
学院: 电气与自动化工程学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2018年11月17日
时间: 09:30
地点: 第26教学楼E座 204
导师: 雷建军
题目: Channel-wise Temporal Attention Network for Video Action Recognition

Recently, video action recognition receives lots of attention, and deep learning based methods have achieved promising performance. Most existing methods focus on spatiotemporal information encoding to learn video representations, which ignore the relevance among channels. In this paper, a novel attention model called Channel-wise Temporal Attention Network(CTAN) is proposed to explore the fine-grained key information for action recognition. First, the channel-wise attention generation module is proposed to emphasize the fine-grained informative features in each frame. Then, the temporal information aggregation module is introduced before attention generation to exploit the interaction of different frames. Finally, a discriminative video-level representation for action recognition is generated by end-to-end training. 

登记人: 贾亚龙
登记时间: 2019年06月23日 星期日 10:52