

报告人: 李连捷
学号: 1017214050
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2019年06月10日
时间: 02:00
地点: 南京河海大学二楼国际会议厅
导师: 王媛
题目: Tourism Water Footprint of China

China is a worldwide famous tourism country and attracts millions of domestic and foreign tourists to enjoy various tourism activities. Among the supporting tourism resources, water resource is important for the sustainable development of tourism. In order to understand and efficiently manage the precious water resource for tourism, the tourism water footprint of China is investigated in this study. A top-down approach was adopted to analyze the water footprint by using the collected 2012 input-output table with 139 sectors, the 2012 tourism satellite account (TSA) and water consumption data of different sectors. The result of this study reveals that China’s total foreign tourist water footprint is approximately 2,465,000,000 m3 in the year of 2012, whereas the total domestic tourist water footprint is approximately 16,642,000,000 m3

登记人: 李連捷
登记时间: 2019年09月10日 星期二 11:06