

报告人: 朱程涛
学号: 1015204034
学院: 电子信息工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2017年04月30日
时间: 14:00
地点: 机电整合实验室
导师: 滕建辅
题目: Integration of Two Cameras and Kinect Range Sensor for Three-Dimensional Data Reconstruction

In this work, we developed a two-dimensional matching algorithm based on the image filtering to simplify the intensity-dependent aggregation procedure in the matching. Besides, we integrate the depth information provided by the Microsoft Kinect sensor with
that provided by a camera pair to improve the percentage of correct corresponding locations.

登记人: 朱程涛
登记时间: 2017年04月29日 星期六 11:05