

报告人: 唐玲
学号: 2015211104
学院: 文学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2017年05月11日
时间: 08:00
地点: 33教186
导师: 江滨
题目: Roman Jakobson's View on Translation

Linguist, Roman Jakobson, writing in 1959 in his famous paper On Linguistic Aspects of Translation, maintains that where the style of a text is particularly important. He divided translation into three kinds, namely intralingual, interlingual, and intersemiotic translation. Its current situation in the academic world reveals its influence on linguistics, semiotics, and translation studies worldwide.

登记人: 唐玲
登记时间: 2017年05月10日 星期三 20:46