

报告人: 郭铭玉
学号: 1016214026
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2019年10月19日
时间: 15:00
地点: 清华大学环境学院321会议室
导师: 刘庆岭
题目: Promotional Effect of SO2 on Cr2O3 Catalysts for the Marine NH3-SCR Reaction

Cr2O3 catalysts for the marine NH3-selective catalytic reduction (NH3-SCR) reaction have been synthesized by precipitation, and their catalytic performances were evaluated. The experimental results revealed that the as-synthesized Cr2O3 catalysts presented an enhanced NO removal efficiency when combined with SO2. Notably, the reaction efficiency increased from 61% to 94% with 100 ppm SO2 and from 61% to 82% with 500 ppm SO2 at 280 °C. The lifetime test confirmed the promotional effect of SO2 and the good sulfur and H2O resistance of Cr2O3, and the deactivation by SO2 proved to be irreversible. The NO removal efficiency remained at 89% after 28 h of reaction with 100 ppm SO2 and 3% H2O. The catalyst was characterized and the results confirmed eskolaite (Cr2O3) was successfully synthesized, the SCR reaction followed a Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, and the increased SCR efficiency could mainly be attributed to the acid sites and Oa on the catalyst surface.

登记人: 郭铭玉
登记时间: 2019年10月17日 星期四 22:20