

报告人: 贾宬
学号: 1014204002
学院: 电子信息工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2019年10月25日
时间: 11:30
地点: 卫津路校区综合实验楼809
导师: 姚素英
题目: One-time Programmable Memory Cell Optimized

Logic embedded one-time programmable (OTP) memory is extensively used for code storage, parameter settings, memory redundancy, and circuit trimming. With the explosive growth in Internet-of-Things application, different types of
OTP cell, such as fuse, antifuse, and charge storage OTP have been developed. Among the above, antifuse OTPs have become one of the mainstream solutions for advanced logic circuits because of their small cell size, full compatibility, and good reliability. For achieving high-density data storage, antifuse OTP cell size also need be optimized.

登记人: 贾宬
登记时间: 2019年10月24日 星期四 18:21