

报告人: 王晟阳
学号: 1015212009
学院: 教育学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2016年05月15日
时间: 14:30
地点: 教育学院324
导师: 肖凤翔
题目: The sociology of education and digital technology: past, present and future

During the past 15 years of his career, John Furlong‘s research and writing has focused-in part-on digital technologies and people’s everyday experiences of education. While hardly a technology expert, his work has shown an acute awareness of the significance of computers, the Internet and mobile telephony in making sociological sense of education. This paper contrasts the limited visibility of such issues within the sociology of education over the past 30 years with how the present situation appears to be improving during the 2010s the paper also identifies opportunities for future work that engages more in the co-production, development and design of new forms of educational technology. As such it is concluded that a future sociology of education and technology needs to be developed that acts not only against, but also in and beyond, the dominant field of education technology.


登记人: 王晟阳
登记时间: 2018年04月24日 星期二 10:09