

报告人: 赵平
学号: 1014213013
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2018年10月20日
时间: 14:00
地点: 24-406
导师: 高文远
题目: Purification, characterization and immunomodulatory activity of two polysaccharides from the root of Polygonatum odoratum and P. cyrtonema

Two neutral polysaccharides named POP-1 and PCP-1 were purified from Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce and P. cyrtonema Hua, respectively. The physicochemical and structural characterizations of the polysaccharides were analyzed by the determination of molecular weight, monosaccharide composition, fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra, NMR spectra. The immunomodulatory activities were evaluated using RAW264.7 macrophage cell line. 



登记人: 赵平
登记时间: 2018年10月22日 星期一 15:38