

报告人: 邱宣
学号: 2010213025
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2011年03月6日
地点: 24-A-107
导师: 万谦宏
题目: Atomic Layer Deposition Assisted Template Approach for Electrochemical Synthesis of Au Crescent-Shaped Half-Nanotubes
内容提要: This paper reports on a novel and versatile method to synthesize sharp-edged
crescent-shaped half-nanotubes (HNTs) using a flexible template-based nanofabrication method
assisted by atomic layer deposition. This was achieved by electrodeposition inside crescent-shaped
nanochannels created by a controlled removal of a sacrificial layer, which was deposited by atomic
layer deposition onto the pore walls of an anodic aluminum oxide template. This method provides a
high degree of freedom in the manipulation of the morphological properties of HNTs such as the
edge sharpness, opening, gap size, and the wall thickness. Initial optical investigations of the HNTs
reveal distinct surface plasmon resonance by dark field scattering spectra and surface enhanced
Raman spectrum.
登记人: 邱宣
登记时间: 2012年05月3日 星期四 10:35