

报告人: 杨自凯
学号: 1015204011
学院: 电子信息工程学院
日期: 2019年04月29日
时间: 14:00
地点: 天津大学青岛海洋工程研究院会议室
导师: 马建国
题目: Recent Advances in Doppler Radar Sensors for Noncontact Vital sign detection

Doppler radar has been widely used in a number of applications, such as vital sign detection and gesture characterization detection. Research efforts in this century move the technology development toward lower power, lighter weight, smaller form factor, better accuracy, longer detection range, and more robust operation for practical applications. This has led to various radar front-end architectures from the conventional homodyne/heterodyne to self-/mutual- injection locking. Each of these architectures shows its specific advantage in certain environments.

登记人: 杨自凯
登记时间: 2019年04月10日 星期三 16:56