

报告人: 张泽
学号: 1017214036
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 10 March 2022
时间: 10:00 AM
地点: 三亚
导师: 张书廷
题目: Indirect Drying and coking characteristics of coking coal with soda residue additive

In order to improve the indirect drying efficiency, the effect of soda residue on the drying characteristics of coal were studied with indirect drying system by self-made. The tube furnace was used to dry distillation of dry samples with soda residue; coke properties were analyzed. The results indicates that the soda residue can increase moisture removal rate of coal particles. With the addition of 2%, 5%, 10% soda residue, the drying rates were increased by 11.5%, 25.3% and 37.3% respectively. The temperature gradient is formed in the position close to and far from the heat source in 5 minutes. Additive have little effect on the formation time of temperature gradient. The additives have a significant influence on the increase of the heating rate of coal samples during the temperature distribution range from 80℃ to 90℃. The results of dry distillation shows that with the increase of the mass ratio of alkali slag, the mechanical strength of coke sample decreases greatly. It can improve the active point of coke dissolution reaction and inhibit coke internal solution, the mechanical strength of coke sample satisfies the industrial conditions when the soda residue ratio range from 2% to 5%.

登记人: 张泽
登记时间: Saturday, 19 February 2022, 12:14 PM