

报告人: 李金霞
学号: 1015203042
学院: 电气与自动化工程学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 17 May 2017
时间: 10:00 AM
地点: 26楼E座第四会议室
导师: 王超
题目: Mass Flowrate Measurement of Wet Steam Using Combined V-cone and Vortex Flowmeters
Dual-parameter model based on the combination of V-cone and vortex flowmeter was proposed to measure the mass flowrate of wet steam.
The vortex meter coefficient was calibrated and the Over-Reading correlation with the Lockhart Martinelli parameter was established by field experimental data.
The proposed model predicts the wet steam flowrate within ±6%  from 95% tested samples, and the maximum error is ±10%
The predication accuracy is susceptible to high liquid holdup and high field pressure, which could be modified to further improve the prediction accuracy
登记人: 李金霞
登记时间: Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 6:14 PM