

报告人: 张翔宇
学号: 1017214034
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 28 June 2019
时间: 1:15 PM
地点: 希腊伊拉克利翁
导师: 李茹莹
题目: Voltage optimization and antibiotics removal in a microbial electrolysis cell using concentrated sludge as substrates

In this study, batch experiments were conducted to investigate the removal of antibiotics in MECs treating concentrated sludge under different applied voltages. The enhanced antibiotics removal mechanism as well as the main contributors were analyzed through electrochemical performance and redox reactions of the system, the responses of suspended sludge microorganisms and electrode-attached microorganisms to different applied voltages. The removal efficiencies of antibiotics were 18.1-78.4%, while chlortetracycline and azithromycin were hardly removed. The removal efficiencies of antibiotics under the applied voltages of 0.6V and 1.0V was significantly higher than other groups (0.3V and 1.5V).

登记人: 张翔宇
登记时间: Wednesday, 26 June 2019, 1:22 PM