

报告人: 王美玲
学号: 2016213058
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 19 December 2018
时间: 9:00 AM
地点: 24A202
导师: 樊爱萍
题目: Paper Electrode-Based Flexible Pressure Sensor for Point-of-Care Immunoassay with Digital Multimeter

A novel paper electrode-based flexible pressure sensor modified with
multiwalled carbon nanotubes was designed for point-of-care (POC) immunoassay of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) with digital multimeter readout.The portable POC testing device consisted of flexible pressure sensor equipped with a paper electrode and connected through syringe tubing to a single-break microplate. The immunoreaction was initially carried out on the microplate with a sandwich-type assay format using platinum nanozyme-labeled secondary antibody for the gas generation. Upon addition of hydrogen
peroxide (H
2O2), platinum nanozyme (catalase-like mimic) reduced it into hydrogen oxide and oxygen (O2). The overflowing oxygen gas increased the pressure of the multiwalled carbon nanotube-functionalized paper electrode in a homemade pressure-tight system, and the increased pressure could be readily monitored using the paper electrode-based flexible pressure-tight sensor with a digital multimeter readout. 

登记人: 王美玲
登记时间: Sunday, 21 April 2019, 9:44 AM