

报告人: 杨洪丽
学号: 2016213065
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 20 June 2018
时间: 9:00 AM
地点: 24A-202
导师: 樊爱萍
题目: Employment of molybdenum disulfide as catalyst in luminol-H2O2 chemiluminescence system and its analytical applications

  Chemiluminescence (CL) involves a light emission phenomenon during the process of redox reaction without any excitation light, heat, electric field, etc.owing to the advantages of CL method like sensitive, wide linear range, simple instrumentation, low background signal, CL developed rapidly and has been widely used in the life sciences, clinical medicine, environmental chemistry, pharmacology, food science. At present, nanomaterials play an very important effect in various fields such as biomedicine, Fine Chemistry, food analysis and environment analysis. The application of zero dimension nanomaterials in CL fields also been widely researched. However, two-dimensional nanomaterials like layered molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) always used as support materials to loading catalyst in CL research, the peroxidase-like activity of MoS2 to enhance the CL intensity of luminol CL system individually have not been discovered. In conclusion, my work are concentrated on discovered a peroxidase-like activity of layered MoS2 and established a luminol-H2O2 CL system based on the layered MoS2 for Hg2+ detection.

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登记时间: Friday, 19 April 2019, 4:47 PM