

报告人: 姚力芬
学号: 2016214082
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 13 October 2018
时间: 2:30 PM
地点: 卫津路校区18教220
题目: Research Progress on Microogranism Physical Breeding Method

 In recent years, microbial breeding is a research hot spot. Mutation breeding is an important way in modern food industry and fermentation industry. On the basis of understanding the traditional physical mutation breeding, a series of new mutation methods, such as ion implantation, microwave, laser, ultra-high pressure, space and other new mutation factors and the emergence of mutation agents, have added many bright spots to the physical mutation technology, and further improved the efficiency and success of mutation breeding.

登记人: 姚力芬
登记时间: Saturday, 13 October 2018, 2:34 PM