

报告人: 张爱卿
学号: 1015214031
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 13 October 2018
时间: 2:30 PM
地点: 卫津路校区18教220
题目: RNA-Seq reveals differential expression patterns of genes associated with carotenoid accumulation in loquat

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) cultivars can be classified as yellow- and white-fleshed based on fruit color. The pulps of yellow-fleshed cultivars appear yellow because of high contents of carotenoids, while the pulps of white-fleshed cultivars appear ivory white due to the lack of carotenoid accumulation.

登记人: 张爱卿
登记时间: Saturday, 13 October 2018, 1:53 PM