

报告人: 吴昊
学号: 1013204027
学院: 电气与自动化工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 24 September 2014
时间: 7:00 PM
地点: 微软亚洲研究院13236
导师: 吴枫
题目: Feature-based image set compression
The biggest challenge in image set compression is how to efficiently remove the set redundancy among images as well as the redundancy inside a single image. Different from all the previous schemes, in this paper we are the first to propose a generic image set compression scheme which removes the set redundancy based on local features in addition to luminance values. The SIFT descriptor which characterizes an image region invariant to scale and rotation is utilized in our scheme to measure and further enhance the correlation among images. Given an image set, we build a minimal cost prediction structure according to the SIFT-based prediction measure between images. We also utilize a SIFT-based global transformation to enhance the correlation between two images by aligning them to each other in terms of both geometry and intensity. The set redundancy and image redundancy are both further reduced by block-based motion estimation and rate-distortion optimal mechanism proposed in HEVC. Experimental results show that our new feature based scheme always produces the best result regardless the image set’s properties.
登记人: 吴昊
登记时间: Tuesday, 9 October 2018, 8:02 PM