

报告人: 张凯
学号: 1014214023
学院: 环境科学与工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 29 May 2018
时间: 11:55 AM
地点: 第八教学楼319
导师: 牛志广
题目: Antibiotic resistance genes in drinking water of China: occurrence, distribution and influencing factors

This study collected drinking water samples from seventy-one cities (twenty-eight provincial capital cities or municipalities, twenty prefecture cities and twenty-three counties) of thirty-one provincial-level administrative regions in China from July to August in 2017, and the abundance of twenty-four antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), 16SrDNA and two integrons were quantified with qPCR to investigate the pollution level of ARGs. Moreover, the relationship evaluation between integrons and ARGs was conducted, and the inner relationship of GDP with ARGs was investigated. The results showed sulfonamides-ARGs were the most prevalent ARGs in drinking water of China, and the abundance of blaTEM was top five in all cities among all selected ARGs, indicating some bacteria might have multiple drug resistance (MDR). Correlation analysis results showed int1 played a more important role comparing to int2 in ARGs propagation in drinking water. In addition, GDP might be the key factor influencing ARGs pollution level in drinking water of China.   

登记人: 张凯
登记时间: Tuesday, 18 September 2018, 7:57 PM