

报告人: 王晓欢
学号: 2015213032
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 17 June 2017
时间: 3:15 PM
地点: 24楼
导师: 王东华
题目: Multi-mode RP/HILIC/IEC stationary phase: Preparation, Characterization and Chromatographic Evaluation

Multi-mode RP/HILIC/IEC stationary phases was prepared with simple method and controlled ion exchange capacity. Then, the physicochemical properties of these phases were thoroughly characterized, and the single-mode chromatographic behaviors were evaluated and compared under various elution conditions.

登记人: 王晓欢
登记时间: Tuesday, 17 April 2018, 11:24 AM