

报告人: 刘佳林
学号: 2015213017
学院: 药物科学与技术学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 7 May 2016
时间: 3:00 AM
地点: 24楼202
导师: 黄剑辉
题目: Meta-selective Csp2-H functionalization through a transition-metal-catalyzed ortho-metalation strategy

Aryl halides are widely utilized in many areas as significant chemical materials and pharmaceutical intermediates. Different kinds of aryl halides, because of their different reaction activities, always have different versatility and could implemet diverse functional modifications.

Then, referring to the previous researches in our group, we firstly propose to develop analogous metal-catalyzed methods to obtain the chlorine or iodine-substituent compounds. Subsequently, we would explore other meta-subtitution reaction through an ortho-metalation strategy. 

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