

报告人: 杨闯
学号: 1015204010
学院: 电子信息工程学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2019年10月27日
时间: 22:00
地点: 20楼136
导师: 马建国
题目: Direct Extraction of Complex Permittivity and Permeability of Materials on A Known-Substrate from Transmission/Reflection Measurements

Complex permittivity and permeability of single-layer materials on a known substrate are directly extracted from two measured S-parameters (S11 and S21). The frequency-dependent formulas of the complex permittivity and permeability of the single-layer materials are derived for the first time. A thin flexible absorber on a known substrate and a thin low-loss material on a known substrate are measured in the X-band to experimentally validate the proposed technique. We also investigate the proposed technique with a thick low-loss material on a known substrate.

登记人: 杨闯
登记时间: 2019年10月22日 星期二 09:37