

报告人: 黄益平
学号: 1009207045
学院: 化工学院
报告类型: 第二次学术报告
日期: 2010年10月9日
地点: 填料楼四层圆厅会议室
导师: 张卫江
题目: Study on the technology of boron-11 isotope separation
内容提要: The chemical exchange process of boron isotope separation was studied in order to enrich rare stable isotope 11B. Specially, the relations among the pyrolysis temperature, the number of theoretical plates, the exchange reaction time, the enrichment factor and the abundance of 11B were investigated. The conclusion was obtained by experiment that the abundance of 11B could reach to 98.4% with the pyrolysis temperature of 160℃, and the exchange reaction time to 16days. It will lay better foundation for the industrial scale production in the next step.
Based on the experiment and analysis, the pyrolysis temperature was better at 160℃, and in this case higher pyrolysis degree of complex and lower decomposition rate of anisole were all achieved easily. Besides, it indicated that isotopes separation with a less separation factor should require enough number of theoretical plates in order to achieve better separation. Furthermore, the analysis report of impact relations between enrichment factor and 11B enriched abundance was consistent with the impact of exchange time, further guide the follow-up research.
登记人: 黄益平
登记时间: 2012年04月10日 星期二 15:15