

报告人: 陶军明
学号: 1015212006
学院: 教育学院
报告类型: 其他学术报告
日期: 2018年03月13日
时间: 15:00
地点: 江西科技师范大学职业教育研究院
导师: 庞学光
题目: Policy Ecology of Vocational Education vs. the Ecological Vocational Education Policy

This research project will be an attempt to extend the ideas of values in vocational education policy researching. The research will be based on the theory and practice in vocational education, also the theories of the science of policy and philosophy. The outcome is intended to be a new value——ecology-oriented-value in vocational education policy researching that can promote the scientific of vocational education policy.

It is anticipated that this ecology-oriented-value will be very helpful in the researching of vocational education policy and the practice in vocational education, specifically for the process of policy-making. An example application of ecology-oriented-value would be necessary in the ecology-value-oriented vocational education policy making; there maybe all of the stakeholders benefit should be taken account of.

登记人: 陶军明
登记时间: 2018年04月23日 星期一 23:50