

报告人: 齐婉廷
学号: 2016211016
学院: 文学院
报告类型: 第一次学术报告
日期: 2017年05月18日
时间: 10:30
地点: 33楼190
导师: 冯卉
题目: Analysis of Morrison's Beloved Based on Genette's Narrative Theories

    The presentation will be divided into four parts. First, it will give you a brife introduction about the novel. In the second and third part, it will talk about Genette's Narrative Theories and give some examples abstract from the novel. Lastly, it is the conclusion about the whole presentation.

登记人: 齐婉廷
登记时间: 2017年06月8日 星期四 22:31